Aug 17, 2022
Question: What zones do Chrysanthemum plants survive in?
Answer: GrowJoy offers four subcategories of Chrysanthemum plants: Belgian Mums, Yoder Garden Mums, Igloo Perennial Mums, and Perennial Mums. Each has their own hardiness level, which are listed below.
- Belgian Mums are the classic, mounded garden mums you see decorating yards in the fall. They are the least hardy of all four subcategories and can survive winters in Zones 6-9Ā but will most likely not.
- Yoder MumsĀ are low maintenance and are slightly more hardy than Belgian Mums but not by much. They can survive winters in Zones 6-9 but are more than likely not going to.
- Igloo Perennial MumsĀ give you the mounded garden mum look with a hardiness more like a true Perennial. They can survive winters in Zones 5-9 but are not guaranteed to do so.
- Perennial MumsĀ are the hardiest mums we offer, with most being able to survive winters in Zones 3-9 (some can even survive in Zone 2) but are not guaranteed to do so.